We managed to stop the privatization of seeds (by stopping the Reform of the Law of Plant Varieties) and the planting of transgenic corn (being an active part of the class action Lawsuit Against GM Corn). In addition, we supported the adoption of the Law on the Protection and Promotion of the Native Corn, as well as adding the Human Right to adequate food in our constitution. We also implement projects to protect native maize and its links to producers and consumers.
Our seeds are still at risk, but with your help, we can continue defending them!
The donation is deductible from taxes and, if you provide us with your data, we can gladly give you a receipt (contacto@semillasdevida.org.mx).
Donations to national
Bank: Banamex
Beneficiary: Foundation Seed of Life, BC
Branch: 0346
Account: 7156127
Clabe Interbancaria: 002180034671561273
I thank you for your valuable help!
With your donation supporting us to be able to continue to advocate for a healthy eating from seed